Friday, August 27, 2010

The End

Well, my loyal readers... I am afraid this may be the end of my blog. As you know, I have often struggled with topics to write and it has started to feel more like a chore than an outlet or a fun venue. I never wanted my blog to be stressful for me to come up with topics, but sadly it has, and given I know I have a lot of people reading... I do not like to disappoint. Each week I felt pressure to update... sometimes more than once a week. And I have just struggled to always come up with new topics. So, I am starting a new chapter in my life soon... new job, and being married. I feel this may be the right time to put the blog to bed for good. As always, I would welcome your comments. And I do thank you for reading through the years... it has been fun and I love knowing that so many of you actually took the time to read what I had to say... regardless of how silly it often was. So again, thank you for reading!!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Moving On

I wanted to let everyone know that I will be leaving my position as Program Director at the Roitenberg Residence effective September 8. I have accepted a position with Bloomington Public School's Community Education as the Out of School Time Programs Manager. In this position, I will supervise 12 people... each of whom is responsible for all "out of school" programming at one of the elementary schools in the district. They in turn will each supervise a handful of people as well. There are many programs in my department including before and after school care, summer programming, musical opportunities, academic programs, and much more. If you are really interested, check out this link:
I will supervise all programs except Galaxy and the Volunteer program listed on this page.

Needless to say I am extremely excited about this opportunity as it is a very large step-up for me in my career. I will begin in Bloomington on September 13. As always, you can e-mail me or comment below. Thanks for reading my blog.

Check back often for more Random Ramblings!

Monday, August 16, 2010

We Have A Winner

This time seven people turned in answers for the unscramble blog post below. Four people had them all right and were entered into the drawing for the prize. Chad picked the winner, so if you are unhappy... be mad at him. The winner is...

Allison Rosenthal

For those who wanted answers... here you go.

1. Theater

2. Sweets

3. People Watching

4. Money

5. Camp

6. Mountains

7. Walgreens

8. Love

9. Air Conditioning

10. Tattoos

11. Gifts

12. Vacation

13. Kansas

14. Aruba

15. Comedy

16. State Fair

17. Entertaining

18. Survivor

19. Haircuts

20. Cereal

Check back often for more Random Ramblings!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Who Will Win?

I have done this before, and thanks to Kerry's suggestion, I am doing it again. Today's blog is completely interactive. Below are 20 things I like. All you have to do is unscramble them. The fun part... a prize is at stake. Last time, Wendy Beth Gahm was the big winner. Will she get it again, or will someone de-throne the Unscramble Queen.

Once you have unscrambled all 20 words, send me your answers via e-mail ( or a message on Facebook. Don't leave your response as a comment here or you will be giving your answers away. Please note numbers 3, 9, and 16 are two word answers separated by a //. Some are definitely harder than others... Good luck!

1. T R H E E T A

2. E S E S W T

3. E P L P O E // H G T W C A I N

4. O E N M Y

5. C P A M

6. N T U I O S N A M

7. S G E W A E L R N

8. E L V O

9. R I A // I G I N C O N N T D I O

10. S O T A T O T

11. F S G I T

12. N V C O T I A A

13. N S K A A S

14. B A R A U

15. Y M E O D C

16. T T E S A // R F A I

17. G T R I N N E I T A N E

18. V R I S O V R U

19. I R A T S H U C

20. E C L E A R

Remember, these are all things I like. You have until the end of the day Friday to submit your answers via e-mail or message on Facebook. Someone wins a prize... good luck!

Check back often for more Random Ramblings!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Herzl's Not-So-Top 10 List

I have been experiencing writers block lately, and that is not a good thing when you have a blog due for Herzl Camp. So I thought I would do a Top 10 list of something and post it on my personal blog too. But suddenly, this got harder than I thought…

Top 10 Famous People at Herzl Camp
1. Bob Dylan
2. Bryan Greenberg

Well, that did not get me too far. Okay… how about another topic…

Top 10 Colors to Wear on Shabbat
1. White

I think we have exhausted that list.

Top 10 Old Flag Songs
1. Oh Canada

Hmmm… bad idea. Next?

Top 10 Old Herzl Programs
1. N’Divim
2. Maba

Yes there are others… but there are certainly not 10. These were the two best programs no longer in existence.

Top 10 Herzl Words
1. Ozo
2. Koontz

And the list was over. No word is better than Koontz!

Top 10 Hot Tubs
1. Ozo Mo

You cannot come up with 10 when there only is one in camp.

Top 10 Optional Breakfasts
1. Cinnamon Rolls

It used to rotate every other week between the cinnamon rolls and bagels, but alas, still not 10 to choose from.

Top 10 Herzl Stories
1. Rosemary
2. The Clown
3. Kundra

Okay… this is getting scary. I need to stop.

Top 10 Herzl Colors
1. Orange
2. Brown

That’s a pretty boring list.

Top 10 Herzl Sports Gone by the Wayside
1. Teatherball

I am still in shock that it is gone.

And then it hit me… a Top 10 List that could work…

Top 10 Places to Spend Your Summer
1. Herzl Camp
2. Machaneh Herzl
3. Herzl
4. Machaneh Paradise
5. Webster, Wisconsin
6. The shores of Devil’s Lake
7. The former Log Cabin Inn
8. The town next to Siren, Wisconsin
9. Theo’s Summer Shack
10. The greatest place on Earth

Okay, it was a stretch, but you get the point. Dorothy says “There is no place like home.” But I say… There is no place like Herzl Camp!

Check back often for more Random Ramblings!