Sunday, September 21, 2008

Bad Ending

Why do some movies have bad endings? Seriously! It is one thing if it is a bad movie, then of course it will have a bad ending. But today I was watching a decent movie, Rendition, with my boyfriend Jake Gyllenhaal and "the other woman" Reese. While the movie was confusing, I was able to follow it and thought it was fairly decent. But then came the end. It was totally unsatisfying. I hate when movies do not "wrap-it-up." While I am sure the producers and director think they did, I have news.... they did not. It is annoying to stare at the screen and think, "Now what?!?!" Oh well... Hollywood will continue producing movies with bad movies because ass-clowns like you and I still watch them!

Check back often for more Random Ramblings!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's one thing when a movie leaves you questioning *life*, but when it leaves you questioning what the filmmakers were thinking, that's probably a really bad movie.

Somewhat relevant: When I saw my beloved intergalactic genie-queen Bjork starring in "Dancer in the Dark," I considered it to be a Great Movie, but absolutely not an enjoyable one. I found it unyieldingly emotionally brutal to an almost indecent degree, and sobbed through a good portion of it. Then, I promptly went out and bought the DVD...and could never bear to watch the thing again.