Wednesday, October 29, 2008

My Saving Grace

Could you imagine life any more without e-mail? Or for that matter, the internet. So many things we used to do one way, are now totally different.

Take communication for example. People used to actually write letters! Now, it is all about e-mail. We save on postage, but more importantly, we get prompt responses. You used to wait weeks before you would get a letter back. E-mail is my friend. And at work, it makes our jobs so much easier. What used to take dozens of phone calls now takes one quick e-mail. Granted, some people abuse e-mail in that they don't have face-to-face conversations, but overall it is an amazing tool.

And the internet... you cannot beat it. I don't use phone books anymore, I don't mail a check in to pay my bills, I don't read the newspaper, and I feel much more educated and in-tune to the world around me thanks to the internet. Anyone who does not know how to use it is truly missing out. Not only is it an education, but it is an important tool in today's society.

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Sunday, October 26, 2008

Control Your Children

Some people have nerve, balls, chutzpah, whatever you want to call it!

This weekend was the annual Halloween party. Unfortunately, the basement gets devoted entirely to children. But this year, it went too far. People were eating and drinking down there, and completely ignoring the "New Carpet: Take off your shoes" signs. As if that is not bad enough, this woman brought over her 4 children. 2 of them are in "special ed." She let them run amok all over the house. It was ridiculous. Chocolate got ground into the floor and the couch, juice boxes were squirted on the carpet, and our personal belonging were thrown all over the basement. Her children, among MANY others, also ran all around the back yard and found the dog poop.

On her way out she says to my aunt, "You can blame me for the chocolate on the floor and couch." Are you fucking kidding me?!?! I would have punched her right then and there. Who does that, and worse, who says that?

So listen up, Carla, and all you other tactless people who let your children run wild... Grow the fuck up! When you have kids, you take responsibility for yourself AND them. That means you might have to have a little less social time at the party in order to control your kids and make sure they are not destroying the home you were so graciously invited to. Oh yea, thanks for the Chips-a-hoy, bitch!

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Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The Dreaded News

This is something I knew was coming. Something I have not wanted to hear for years. It is so awful, I do not even want to talk about it. It scares be. It give me high levels of anxiety. It freaks me out. I just cannot believe it.... I have to have my wisdom teeth out!!!!!!

Okay, obviously there are a LOT worse things in life and if this is the worst thing that happens to me, I am set. But it does give me high levels of anxiety.

1. I hate the dentist.
2. Novocaine does not work on me, so they always need to do my entire face
3. I have never had surgery and would prefer to keep it that way... especially because I do not want "to go under."

So, this was very bad news. One of them has a cavity, which is the main reason they have to come out. Apparently you cannot fill a tooth that is not completely in. One is half in, but doing just fine. And two are.... impacted. From what I understand, impacted ones are worse. So, I am going to go to the surgeon to have a consult for him to tell me how bad it is. Wish me luck!

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Sunday, October 19, 2008

Dating Sucks

Let's be honest... it sucks. The guys you like don't like you and the guys that like you, you would not consider touching with a 10 foot pole. Why does it work out that way? Or... you find a great guy, one you are ready to spend the rest of your life with, and he lives 1000 miles away. Life sucks like that.

I do not NEED a partner, but I certainly want one. Someone to call with good/bad news, someone to bring to weddings/parties, someone to confide in, someone to go through life with. But alas.... singlehood continues. May it come to an end soon! Besides, I want to get married on 10-10-10. :)

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Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Did Somebody Say Vaca?!?!?!

Anyone who knows me, knows that I love to go on vacations, trips, get-aways, whatever you want to call them. It is admittedly my guilty pleasure. I do not have a ton of money, but what little I have, this is where I choose to spend my money.

I am a self-proclaimed cruise whore because I love to go on cruises. #7 is coming up in February and I cannot wait. This will be my first time on Royal Caribbean, first time with a balcony, and first time to places such as Jamaica and Grand Cayman. If I could go on a cruise a month, I would. Hell, my dream job is to be a cruise director. Fortunately, my real job is that of a cruise director, only my ship doesn't sail.

But this is October and that cruise is not until February. I definitely have to go somewhere before that. Even if it is a long weekend away, I already have the vacation itch because it has been so long since my last one.

If anyone has any ideas on where I should go, let me know. Would love to hear from you, especially because then I would know who is reading.

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Sunday, October 12, 2008

Pre-Empt This

I hate sports! I know... the gay boy hates sports, but seriously... they always pre-empt my shows. I hate Sundays because the Amazing Race is ALWAYS late due to football. Football sucks.... let's face. It is a bunch of overgrown barbarians knocking into each other with a ball that they cannot even wrap around their fat fingers.

Fine if you want to put sports on TV, I can make my peace with that. But it is not okay when they cut into my shows time. They are given AMPLE time for games.... much more than my shows. And in fact, they even have their own stations... ESPN 1-100. So enough with screwing up my TV over a pig skin ball that is not even kosher anyway.

Can you tell it just happened again?

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Wednesday, October 8, 2008

It's Good to be Right

I think my favorite words are "You were right!" As expected, I picked up the car last night from the dealership and on the way home, the light came back on. So, I drove back to the dealership, did NOT turn my car off, made the guy get it in and look at it, and then left it overnight again.

The good news... they just called me and said they did in fact find a problem. The part that is needed is being flown in and I get Sport back tomorrow. I love being right.

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Tuesday, October 7, 2008

That's Life

Don't you just HATE when something goes wrong with your car, then you show up at the dealership, and the problem has magically gone away?!?! Is there someone looking down and laughing when this happens. Once again, it happened to me.

Brand new car... not even two weeks ago. I had a warning light permanently on in my dashboard. It was on for two days. Naturally, on my way into the dealership, no light, and they cannot find anything wrong with it. Sometimes, life just sucks like that. I know I am going to go pick up my car tonight, and tomorrow on my way into work that damn light will be on. Hate it!

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Sunday, October 5, 2008

She "Friended" Me?!?!

Pet peeve... why do people you have not spoken to since elementary school "friend" you on Facebook? Seriously!!! We have not spoken since the 80's... why do you want to list me as one of your friends? I will never understand this.

I suppose it is one thing if someone finds you and wants to re-connect and sends you a message. I guess I could see some justification for that. But what's with requesting to be my friend and then never saying one word to me. We weren't friends in 1988, we are not going to be friends in 2008, so what the hell?

This really is a big pet peeve of mine. I hope I have not offended anyone that has "friended" me, but not spoken to me for 20 years, but really... do you need to show the world that you have 294 friends? It's pretty shallow. But if you want to talk to me... shoot me a message.

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Friday, October 3, 2008

"Yah, You Betcha!"

Is she kidding? Really?

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