Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Old School Favorite Shows From the 80's

Okay, Logan.... this one is for you. Today I am flashing back to my favorite shows from when I was growing up in the 80's. How many of these shows did you enjoy too?

1. Facts of Life - Classic.... and where George Clooney got his start.

2. Different Strokes - What you talking about Willis?

3. Golden Girls - Always a favorite and they still air repeats on Lifetime.

4. Jem - Maybe this cartoon is what made me gay.

5. Silver Spoons - I always wanted to have a train to ride in my house.

6. Night Court - Come on... a guy named Bull.

7. Alf - Who didn't want to have an alien live with them?

8. Small Wonder - It made me want to be a robot.

9. Growing Pains - Mike Sever's best friend's name was Boner... enough said.

10. Punky Brewster - How cute is she?

11. Charles in Charge - Kind of a tool, but a good show.

12. Out of this World - I still wish I could freeze time by putting my fingers together.

Check back often for more Random Ramblings!


Unknown said...

so funny.......I feel fortunate to have a blog entry dedicated to me...u da man!!!

Anonymous said...

These were good but nothing compares to the golden 70s: Charlie's angels, the 6 million dollar man, wonder woman (now THAT is gay), bionic woman, chips, starsky & hutch and so many others. That was TV, not the reality crap of today.