Tuesday, September 8, 2009

I'm Back

My apologies for ignoring my blog. Well, it's not that I have been ignoring it so much as I really could not update it. A week ago Saturday, I was getting dressed and my back went out. The nerve to get dressed, I know. That had me laid up all weekend. Then, I went back to work on Tuesday, and Wednesday I was out again. I went to the doctor and he said no more work for the week. Luckily, Percocet and Flexaril are my friends. :) They got me all better in time for Chad's family to come visit.

Jason, Kerry, Rylee, Reece, and Sue (Kerry's mom) got in Thursday night. They were here all weekend and left Monday morning. It was an exhausting, but really fun weekend. In that time, we went to the Fair twice (once with Chad's family and once after they left), to Como Zoo, had the Amazing Race, went to dinner at my mom's, a BBQ at AP's house, and we even managed to sneak in a little Savoy Pizza.

All in all it was a good time. Now, my back is better, I am back at work, and Danny comes in on Friday. Then the next week is Rosh Hashanah, then Yom Kippur, then Colorado, then Halloween, and soon it will be Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's, mine and Chad's 1-year anniversary, and then THE CRUISE!!!!!!!!!!! So much to do and so little time. But I love having all of this going on... it makes the time fly by.

Check back often for more Random Ramblings!

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