Saturday, March 27, 2010

Busy Busy

Holy crap!!! When does the world slow down? I really think it is spinning out of control. March is crazy, and it looks like April is going to be worse. I need a personal assistant. I am now accepting applications. Yet, I do not see anyone submitting.

So let me catch you up to speed on what has been going on. As people know, we finally sold the townhouse. That is AWESOME!!! But with it, comes so much work. The biggest challenge is all of the packing, moving, and figuring out where things are going to. Chad is moving from the townhouse into my house AND into a storage locker. I already have a storage locker in the same facility. So we have been doing a lot of schlepping back and forth of things to be stored and thrown. We have also been doing a lot of re-organizing. The good thing... I have thrown out a HUGE amount of crap. All of this continues well into April as closing is not until the 23rd. Lots more packing, cleaning, schlepping, loading, unloading, and plenty of schvitzing!!!

In addition to that, we are currently getting ready for Passover. If you know me, you know that it is not my favorite holiday. I enjoy Seder, but that is pretty much where it ends. Having 26 people over for dinner and being constipated for 8 days is not my idea of a good time.

To add to all of this, we are now on a kick to get Chad a new car. Granted, I am TOTALLY in favor of this, but it is just more back-and-forth and something else to do. That said, it looks like he has narrowed it down to one car, but I won't give it away until the deal is done.

Tonight is Paxton's 10th birthday party, so my aunt is having people over for that. It is just one thing after another. I feel like things will never get done. The good news is, I know they will and at the end of the month, we are relaxing.

As I said, we close on the 23rd. On the 24th we are getting massages. I love a good massage. That night we are going to the Melting Pot for dinner to celebrate our birthdays (his on April 18 and mine on May 9). The next week, April 30 - May 2 we are going to the Wisconsin Dells for a mini-vacation. We both love to travel, so we decided that for our presents to each other this year for our birthdays, we are going to go on a quick trip to the Dells. We got a great deal as we certainly need to save money.

Money could be a whole different blog. We have to sell this townhouse, eventually buy our own new house, pay for the wedding, and on and on. If anyone knows a good money tree, please let me know.

But... lots of fun to look forward... in June we are going to New Orleans. We are going up to Herzl for the weekend of the 4th of July. Our wedding is 10-10-10. At the end of that week, we are doing a mini-moon in the Wisconsin Dells (a different resort than the place we are staying in April). And finally, next January is the honeymoon... a 14-night cruise to Hawaii!!!

Needless to say... we have a shit load going on, but it is all good things, and things we are super excited for. Now the only question is... where should we go after the honeymoon?

Check back often for more Random Ramblings!

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