Sunday, June 13, 2010

New Orleans Reviewed

Well, sorry everyone. I just wrote a VERY long and detailed re-cap of my trip that took about a half hour to write. But then, something got fucked up when I went to post it, and it vanished. I am NOT about to re-write everything I did, but suffice it to say.... it was a SHITTY place that I never plan on returning to. Chad feels the same way. Here are a few bullet points as a re-cap:

- Disgustingly hot a humid weather... heat index of 107 each day
- Found a place we liked to eat called Gordon Biersch
- Another great restaurant was Louisiana Pizza Kitchen
- Got a bobblehead after a long and exhaustive search
- Stayed across from the casino
- Had a king size bed despite being told we could not get one and would be in two double beds
- Took a city tour that included Katrina destruction
- Walked the French Quarter
- Have beginets and cafe au lait at the world-famous Cafe Du Mond
- Stopped and took pictures at Brad and Angelina's house... someone was watching TV inside
- Took a tour of the Laura plantation
- Got first class seats and a free ticket on the way home to give up our seats; we will use the free ticket to go visit Chad's family sometime next year.

And that is pretty much the condensed version minus a lot of detail. NOLA sucks... big time!!!!

Check back often for more Random Ramblings!