Friday, July 30, 2010

The Invites Are Coming, The Invites Are Coming

That's right... with 72 days until the wedding, tomorrow we are sending out the invitations!! I am really excited about it. Each thing we do it feels more and more real. But now... we are actually inviting people to the event. It appears that our final number will be 158 invited. We both know (and are hoping... lol) that not everyone will be able to make it. We are anticipating around 130 people coming. There are also a few people I feel bad about not inviting, but things/circumstances/relationships change, and therefore, you cannot invite everyone you know. If we had more money, I would invite a lot more people, but we don't, and so it is what it is.

We received our official bid from our new florist... we just need to make a few adjustments and we will be all set with that.

We have cocktail napkins ordered for the cocktail hour and the sweet table.

Almost all of the attendants have been measured for their tuxes. A few have not... you know who you are... grrrrrrrrrrrr!!!

Other than that, I think I have shared all of the latest information. So tomorrow the invites go out, and then we will already be getting response cards back by the end of next week. Fun!!!

Check back often fore more Random Ramblings!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Whatever it takes, don't let the wedding event turn you into a bridezilla. If the tux don't fit, the flowers are different than ordered or the best man shows up late, it doesn't matter in the end. It's about people getting together to celebrate. I attended my first gay wedding in California a week ago and let me tell you one of the grooms had turned into a scary monster bc somebody was late. Friday 13th was Disneyland compared to that.
