Tuesday, September 23, 2008

No School For You

As you may know, I was planning on going back to school this fall to get my masters. As you may also know, I decided not to do so. And I have to say, it feels... AMAZING!!!!! As all of my college friends can agree, I am no fun when school is in session. I get high levels of anxiety, I am serious, I always want to be studying or reading (even though I have NO comprehension of the words on the page), and am just overall not fun to be with. I hate school and always have.

I am so happy I went to college and got my degree as I would not have the kind of jobs that I have been lucky enough to get without a degree. However, one degree is more than enough for me. I feel like I can enjoy life now. I don't have to be stressed about tests, writing papers, or always feeling that I should be doing something for school instead of something for me. Not getting my masters was honestly one of the best choices I have ever made.

Check back often for more Random Ramblings!

1 comment:

Randee said...

wish i woulda talked to you a year ago...maybe you coulda talked some sense into me!