Friday, January 23, 2009

I Miss Camp

I really do miss camp. Not Butwin or Olami, though. While I have a very special place in my heart for both of them (um... I was the camp director after all), I really miss Herzl. Yesterday I found this 'Camp' camp on the website. Basically, it is camp for GLBT adults. And it made me really miss my Herzl days.

I loved being a camper, but even more so, I loved being on staff. Those were EASILY the best summers of my life, and there are times I would give anything to go back and do it all over again. So... here is another one of my famous lists, this time it is of things I miss about Herzl...

1. The Shabbat caravan.
2. Singing in the chadar (the old chadar, not the air conditioned palace).
3. Playing "what are they thinking" in the mo with my homies.
4. The first day of camp.
5. Candlesharing.
6. The ozo mo.
7. Grilled cheese.
8. Days off.
9. The Pour House... let me be clear... the OLD Pour House.
10. Hanging at the schmear sites.
11. Lifeguarding on the floating dock.
12. Cabin 17.
13. Services at the Mercaz.
14. The N'Divim program.
15. The old school t-shirts that had the same design, but changed colors every year. They were last done in 1991... appropriately, they were black.
16. Thinking nothing of playing games with other naked guys in the shower (see... you all made me gay).
16. Raids.
17. Flag songs... specifically the one I wrote to Joseph's Coat for B'Yachad 1996.
18. My ozo's when I was papa, despite them being complete a-holes a good 98% of the time.
19. The anticipation of the first drive up for the summer.
20. Singing the song as you pull in.
21. Singing the old songs on Fridays after lunch.
22. Cooks parade (they don't seem to want to do that an an assisted living home... weird).
23. Chanut.
24. 12 Gates and Tommy's "I gotta pee" song to the tune of "Under the sea."
25. Ozo plays.
26. Final banquet.
27. ComedySportz... always best when done for staff oneg.
28. Cabin plaques.
29. Making friends to last a lifetime.
30. Im Tirzu, Ein Zo Agada

Clearly, this list could go on for a VERY long time. As I said, I would give anything to go back. So all those of you ready for another reunion, let me know... I am all over it.

Check back often for more Random Ramblings!


Anonymous said...

Sounds fun ... if I knew what it means. I can't understand half of the terminology here! :-)

Debra Fiterman said... I'm sure that you cannot believe that Debra Fiterman is reading your blog but thanks to the wonders of FB, I stumbled upon this and I LOVED this entry. Thanks for the memories...