Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Thucky Thurthsday

Well, my dreaded day is now less than 48 hours away. I am having my wisdom teeth out on Thursday and I am REALLY not looking forward to it. First, I am 31 and have never been under any anesthesia. I am very thankful for that... no broken bones, no hospital stays, nothing. I was really enjoying that record. Second, I have always had this fear that they will knock me out, but I will still be able to feel everything but not be able to tell them. I am freaked out.

I know this is an extremely common procedure and almost everyone I know has had it done. But none the less, this will still be my first surgery and I am really not happy about it. Though I am thrilled to get it over with!!!

It happens bright and early Thursday morning... 7:20 to be exact, so the good news is I will get it over with quickly. My mom is taking me and then spending the day with me. Friday, Chad is coming over to spend the day with me, and I think Missy is too. Lots of people around so I should be fine. That said, I won't be updating this for a bit, but look for an update early next week. Love to all my readers!

Check back often for more Random Ramblings!

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