Thursday, April 2, 2009

Hawaiian Breezes

Good morning one and all. Today's blog will be fairly lame... mostly, because I want to hear from you.

Chad and I have decided to go to Hawaii for our honeymoon. It is a place we have both always wanted to go to, but neither have been. So we decided that is where we should venture off to.

Last night, we started looking into it. Holy shit!!! I knew it was expensive, but I did not realize how expensive we were talking. It looks like the flight alone will be close to $1000 each... and that is using January 2010 prices, and we won't even be going until January 2011. Damn!!!

Then, we both realized that while many people have been to Hawaii, we didn't really get what it means to be on the "big Island" versus the others, and how you get to one from the other. So, we had an epiphany... we should do a Hawaiian cruise. We both love cruises and this way we get to go to all of the islands and really see all of Hawaii.

Okay... if you have thoughts, ideas, suggestions, or comments, please let me hear them. I will post a "real blog" entry coming up soon.

Check back often for more Random Ramblings!

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