Friday, April 10, 2009

Wedding Planning

This will be my first, of what I am sure will be MANY, posts on planning the wedding. Needless to say, it has started and is pretty fun!

Awhile back, Chad and I bought a binder to keep all of our things in. We already have our thank-you notes... purple of course. We will know in a few months if we can have our ceremony at the Temple. We got a booklet from Byerly's regarding the wedding cake, and just today we are putting together a cute little way to ask our attendants if they will stand up for us. Now, I cannot give that away because some of you read this and that would take away the surprise.

In any case, both Chad and I are having a ball planning what we hope to be "A Wedding to Remember." Since Iowa legalized gay marriage, we have also decided we are going to go down there and make it legal. We are not sure when yet, but we will definitely do it at some point. As part of that, we were also on a story last week on KARE 11 News at 10:00pm.

I am sure there will be plenty of stressful times between now and 10-10-10. But they are also fun times and I look forward to not only celebrating the next year with family and friends, but spending a lifetime with the man I love.

Check back often for more Random Ramblings!

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