Wednesday, November 4, 2009

A Fake

So last week I was watching "The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown" on TV and it got me reminiscing. Suddenly, I remembered one of my all-time favorite movies, "Race for Your Life Charlie Brown." For anyone who has ever seen it, it is awesome. It is a feature-length Peanuts movie about going to camp and this big boat race. Such a great movie. Well, my quest to own the movie began.

I went and looked around online. There were a lot of VHS copies, but not many on DVD. Finally, I found some on DVD. They ranged in price, but of course, I wanted the cheapest. I found a guy who was selling a "brand new" DVD for $7.99. I got really excited, and bought one. I actually tried to buy two, one for my sister, but he only had one copy. So, I bought it.

The DVD arrived at my house the other day... total knock-off. The guy gets an A for effort, but it is the fakest looking copy I have ever seen. He made the cover on his color printer... very poor quality. He burned a sticker onto the DVD... does not come close to looking real.

Clearly, I am pissed at this point. So, I go onto the website and I filed a complaint that this is a fake copy and I want a real one. Thus far, the guy has not responded... he has a few weeks to do so. My guess is this is not the first time someone has filed a claim against him. I will keep you posted as to what happens. I am a bit nervous that he could win this claiming that he never said it was an original copy. And he will be right about that. But if I threaten him with copyright laws.... we'll see what happens next. I will let you know once I hear from the guy.

Check back often for more Random Ramblings!

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