Wednesday, October 28, 2009

I'm Over Him/Her

Often times the media hangs onto people and their stories far too long. Sometimes it gets to the point where you just want to say "Enough already... who cares?!?!" And thus... my next blog entry. Below are some of the people whose stories I am over, and am totally sick of hearing about.

1. Jon & Kate Gosselin - These people are not even celebrities and yet they are getting more attention that anyone else out there. Move on!!!

2. Paris Hilton - She is so 2007.

3. Jonas Brothers - They are not cute so what is all the screaming about, ladies?

4. Michael Jackson - He is dead... let the man lie in peace.

5. Jessica Simpson - Bored!

6. Khloe Kardashian / Lamar Odom - Does anyone know who these people are or what they have done?

7. Brad Pitt / Angelina Jolie - We get it... they are the perfect couple. They are also old news.

8. Jennifer Aniston - I love her, but stop trying to tie her to every male in Hollywood.

And that is it. A short blog entry, I realize, but one that was inspired by,, and more. Feel free to leave a comment below with the people and stories you are sick of hearing about.

Check back often for more Random Ramblings!

1 comment:

Debra Fiterman said...

I keep thinking I'll get sick of Balloon boy...somehow, i still click on every link. I think I might need help.