Friday, March 5, 2010

How Do I Love Thee?

Chad decided last night that I need to write a blog about the reasons I love him. Given I have no other topics, here goes...

1. He is my heart and soul (our wedding bands even say it).
2. We have more fun together than two people should be allowed to have.
3. We have so many of the same interests.
4. We totally "get" each other.
5. He's cute.
6. I am treated like a king every day.
7. We are both ready to live somewhere tropical and "beachy."
8. He loves Charley like his own.
9. He is part of my family, and I am part of his.
10. He is my B'sheret (intended).
11. I am happier than I ever knew I could be.
12. We keep each other laughing.
13. We listen and give each other advice.
14. We are equal partners.
15. We make sacrifices for each other.
16. He accepts my faults.
17. We would give anything for each other.
18. He is the love of my life.

There are hundreds and thousands of more reasons, but I had to cap the list somewhere. So, I left it at magic #18 (life) to represent the long, happy, and healthy life we will live together for many years to come.

Check back often for more Random Ramblings!

1 comment:

Danny Cohn said...

now you need to do the top ten things i miss about living with danny cohn