Monday, January 12, 2009

Good News

My Monday morning started out great. I had two things lingering out there I thought might be a problem, but it turns out... both are great.

First, I bought a new cell phone last month. With it, comes a mail in rebate. Well, last week I got a letter telling me I was not going to get the rebate. This had me seeing red. However, I finally got around to calling today. When I did, the woman informed me somehow there was a duplicate application so this letter was for the duplicate, but my request was still coming. Yeah... $50 headed my way.

The other things was a much bigger deal. As you know, I am having my wisdom teeth out. LONG story short... family history of a cholinesterase deficiency. If I have it, teeth come out in the hospital. Had the test last week, no one knew how to interpret in. Figured it out, only to find out they were missing part of the test. Talked to the doctor's office this morning and they did in fact have the other number, and I am in the clear. No deficiency! That means I get to have my teeth out as scheduled in the oral surgeon's office, and never have to worry about an allergy to this anesthesia. Yiipppeeee!!!

I love when a Monday morning turns into a good thing!

Check back often for more Random Ramblings!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
