Friday, May 1, 2009

Shorter Weeks

All in favor of a shorter work week, say I! Wouldn't it be great if the work week was Tuesday-Thursday, and the weekend was Friday-Monday? Think of how much happier the entire population would be. Okay, so maybe not as much would get done, and certain positions are most definitely needed more than 3 days a week, but when has this blog ever been one for reality?

That said, maybe we could just tack on one more day to the weekend... I would take Friday or Monday... I could make either work. Here is where I think we will be split. My guess is a large number of people would prefer Friday be the additional day off, while I think a great deal of others would opt for Monday. I guess when it really came down to it, if we had this un-realistic option, I would select the weekends be Saturday-Monday. Fridays are often casual as is, and Mondays ALWAYS suck. I realize this would make Tuesdays suck a bit, but at least we would have a recovery day after Sunday instead of going right back to work. But do we really need two recovery days? No... so this way we would have two Saturdays. Okay... who is confused?!?! :) lol

And, one final addition that might be nice... nap time. How great would it be to curl up with a blankie after lunch, take about an hour nap, wake up for milk and cookies, and then go back to work. I think we would be a lot more productive after a little daily snoozer. What do you think?

Check back often for more Random Ramblings!

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