Friday, May 29, 2009


Wow, am I glad it is the weekend. I know why this week felt long... it was. Not only did I work on Memorial Day, but I also worked the day before. So, I have been working for 6 days straight. In any case, I am thrilled it is the weekend.

Tonight, we are grilling weenies at my house and the fam is coming over. Tomorrow we are headed to the horse track and I cannot wait. Chad has never been, and his brother Chris will be joining us as well. Chris has also never been. Lorrie is still in town... not sure if she has ever been or not. All I know is that I am looking forward to it.

The weekend will also be a nice distraction. Monday or Tuesday we find out about our new company-wide cuts they are making. They have already laid off 16 people. Now comes some combination of wage cuts, wage freezes, hours cut, vacation time cut, vacation time accrual rate lowered, 403b matches cut, jobs combined, and a whole plethora of other possibilities. I am not looking forward to this. Yes, I still love my job, but a person can only take so much thrown at them. We'll see what happens next week... hopefully all things that I can deal with and will allow me to stay at my job.

Check back often for more Random Ramblings!

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