Tuesday, May 11, 2010

A Random Ramble For You To Enjoy

I have no blog topic today, so I am going to do one of my "random rambles" of things on my mind...

- I am REALLY sick of the rain

- Those lesbians on The Amazing Race are vile people

- I love that the brothers won The Amazing Race

- It would be great if Chad's townhouse sold

- Betty White on SNL was awesome... I hope you did not miss it

- My wedding is less than 5 months away!!!!

- Sometimes, with certain people, you just need to let it go

- Facebook is really just a fancy word for gossip

- I am excited to go to New Orleans next month

- I actually have "blog followers"... how cool!!

- I have the world's smallest bladder and am already sick of peeing today... damn flavored water

- I wish there were an easy way to get healthier

- Three hours of Survivor on Sunday... get excited

- Winning the lottery would not make everything better, but it would make a lot of things easier

And on that note... I will sign off. Do you have anything random to ramble about? If so, leave a comment.

Check back often for more Random Ramblings!

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