Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Week of Pain

Well, next week would be considered a normal week... except for two BIG difference. On Tuesday, I am getting three cavities filled! On Wednesday, I am finally getting my tattoo!!!

I try to take good care of my teeth. I go to the dentist for my regular cleanings, as well as brush, floss, and garggle with mouthwash on a very regular basis. Still even that, won't prevent cavities. I was at the dentist a few weeks ago and found out I had not one, not two, but THREE cavities. My teeth were also stained. This shocked me to be honest. Upon further chatting with my dentist and hygienist, we realized that the culprit was Slim Fast. Those damn shakes!!!! The were barely working anyway, and then they stained my teeth and gave me three cavities?!?! Needless to say, I was not happy. As is, I hate the dentist, and now I have to go and get three fillings in one day. Yuck! Wish me luck... my anxiety that day will be through the roof.

Then, the pain continues the next day with my tattoo. However, this is pain I am excited about. I have wanted a tattoo for a long time. But, instead of talking about it, I am finally doing it. After finally deciding on what I wanted, and where on my body I wanted it, I did extensive research. I looked around at many shops here in the Twin Cities. I also studied up on SEVERAL tattoo artists. Slowly, I narrowed down the list to two. I knew which one I really wanted, but then put a survey up on Facebook. Low and behold... everyone agreed with the same artist I wanted. So, I will be getting a smiling sun with sunglasses on my left ankle from Poohki at Steady Tattoo in Minneapolis.

I am definitely nervous about the tattoo, and I know it hurts. It hurts even more on the bone, which is where mine is. I also know people have passed out before, so Chad said to make sure I have a fan on me. I have already put my deposit down, and purchased the specific soap and lotion I will need to care for my new art after it is on me. I know my mother, an avid read of my blog, hates, detests, and despises the idea of my tattoo. But I also know that I am a 33 year old man who makes his own choice, and whose mother will love him no matter what. She doesn't have to like it, but she does need to accept it.

In any case, it will be the week of pain. Both activities I am excited to have done with, and then I will be really happy once my tattoo is on me, cleaned up, and ready to look good.

Check back often for more Random Ramblings!

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