Monday, May 31, 2010

Random Update

Good morning everyone. First, Happy Memorial Day, and a BIG thank you to the men and women who serve our country and defend our freedom every single day. We would not have the lives that we live without all of you, so a true heartfelt "thank you" to each and every one of you!!!

Second, I have totally neglected my blog this week. I am sorry about that. I am not sure how many readers I have any more (though I would love to know so shoot me an e-mail or leave a comment so I know who is still reading), but my apologies for not writing last week. It was just a crazy, busy week. Today, I have a bit more time, so thought I would update you on a few things.

Of course, my biggest thing was the tattoo this week. I absolutely LOVE it. I am not going to be one of those macho men that says, "eh, it barely hurt." I am here to tell you, it hurt like a bitch!!! But, I am really glad I got it. I have always wanted one, and am so happy with the way it looks. Poohki at Steady Tattoo is amazing. If you are ever in the market for some ink, go to Poohki. I believe Chad will be going to him coming up soon.

We also finally finished our registration. That is NOT an easy process. However, it is done, and I am really excited with the things we registered for. Ultimately, we have registries at Bed Bath & Beyond (our main registry), Specially Yours (our "fun" registry), and Sears (our small and random, but important registry). Now the fun part will be seeing what we actually get. Good times!!

I also had my cavities filled. Nothing too exciting to report there, but again, major kudos to my dentist, Dr. Bomberg. He gets me numb every time (not an easy task), and I do not feel a thing, not even the novicaine shot (also not easy). The nitrous oxide also helps!!

This weekend, Chad and I each bought a Nintendo DS. A smart buy? Probably not... we have no money!! A fun buy? Absolutely!!! I love it, and to set the record straight, I AM smarter than a 5th grader (one of the games I bought)!!!! Having the DS will definitely keep me busy next week in New Orleans, and then on the 14-night honeymoon. It will be great to have.

So, that is pretty much the excitement these days. Today I am at work for Memorial Day and will be showing "The Blind Side" to my tenants during lunch for the Cinema Cafe. They love it, so it makes it all worth it.

Check back often for more Random Ramblings!

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