Friday, May 14, 2010

Games Galore

Anyone who knows me, knows that I love to play games. You just can't beat sitting around with family and friends, having a good time, making each other laugh, and see who can kick whose ass in a round of whatever game you happen to be playing. So, today's blog post is my favorite 10 games. I should mention a few things... 1. These are in no order and 2. I would not exactly call this a comprehensive list. My mind can only reach so far back, so while I think these are my top 10, I could certainly be missing some. Okay... on with the games...

1. Candyland - This should be an obvious choice for anyone who was ever a child. To this day, when we get bored at home, Chad and I will still play it. And somehow, he wins EVERY time, without fail.

2. Operation - Remember the buzzing game that required a battery? It was always so fun, and truly a challenge. I think even now, as an adult, it is still not easy to do.

3. Apples to Apples - Definitely one of my newer favorite games. It is just so funny to hear how people would define a word. Definitely a hilarious game... and can also get downright offensive!

4. Uno - An old standby. Not much skill involved, but fun to sit around and watch people collect more cards, skip each other, and try to remember to shout "UNO!"

5. Yahtzee - I never played Yahtzee much growing up... I have played more as an adult and really love it. I even have it on my phone as a game I downloaded. It certainly makes you think, and moves pretty quickly.

6. Rummikub - Hands down, this one is in my top 3 games. I love it!! It is the perfect mix of strategy, luck, skill, and brain-power. True, the game can be extremely frustrating at times, but is so fun to play.

7. Scattergories - Another great game. This is one where sometimes even the simplest answer is hard to come up with, but where a completely obscure response will get you points. So fun... I even played it with my tenants this morning.

8. Friends Trivia - Not actually one of my top 10, as I have rarely actually played, but it is definitely a fun chance for me to utilize my extensive and useless knowledge of all things Friends.

9. Clue (regular and VCR) - Chad and I recently played on our cruise, and while it had been years, it is still a fun game. I also used to play the VCR version which was also awesome!!

10. Balderdash - Since my days in USY, this has been a definite fave. People can come up with some of the funniest things and you wonder where it came from. Other times, you cannot even tell which is the real definition and which are made up. Lots of creativity here, but you have to be in the mood for it because creating those definitions is NOT easy.

So there you have it. Please let me know what your faves are by leaving a comment. Also be sure to tell me if you particularly agree or disagree with any of mine. I like to hear what's on your mind!

Check back often for more Random Ramblings!


Danny Cohn said...

two words: Jean Nate

Anonymous said...

SORRY! I love that game! Also, guesstures or catch phrase - games you have to get them to guess the answer without saying a word. Can be quite entertaining!