Friday, October 23, 2009

RSVP Already

I will never understand people who do not respond (or RSVP) to something they were invited to. Granted, sometimes you need not reply, as it has not been requested, but when it has been asked for... you respond!

Take our Halloween party for example. Last month we invited everyone to the party. I will grant you, we sent it out early, but that is because we wanted people to save the date. So... not everyone RSVP'd right away. I can make my peace with that. But then last week I sent a reminder to everyone, and still people have not RSVP'd. As of right now, there are 14 "maybe" replies and 18 who have not even done that. 18 people have not said either way... THE PARTY IS TOMORROW!!!!!. I find that extremely rude. If you are invited to a party, have the courtesy to respond. A simple "Thanks for the invite, but we cannot make it" suffices just fine. Those throwing the party plan on a certain number of people being there based on RSVPs. You want to have enough food and drink, but you also do not want to spend hundreds of dollars over if people are not showing up. It is really very simple... just say no. Especially in this day and age when it is as easy as the click of a button on Facebook. If you are coming, say it. If you are not, tell us that too. Anything less is just plain rude!

And don't even get me started on the ass-clown who RSVP'd "no" when he has every intention of coming. He said that he "says no to all of those requests." Then don't come if you say no.

Okay... people are annoying me today. Sorry, but if you go to the effort to invite someone to a party, they should at least have the courtesy to say "no thank you." That is called manners!

And so help me God if people are invited to the wedding and they do not RSVP. They will see me in hell and we can talk about it then! You've heard of Bridezilla... well, meet her big brother Groomzilla!

Check back often for more Random Ramblings!

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