Thursday, October 1, 2009

Talking on the Phone

I hate talking on the phone, I hate talking on the phone, I HATE TALKING ON THE PHONE!!! Let me be clear... I hate talking on the phone. It's funny... when I was growing up, I loved talking on the phone. I would see my friends at school, and then as soon as we got home, we would talk on the phone. We would talk ALL night too. Eventually, Missy and I got our own phone line so my parents could still use the phone too. Well, I think I used up all of my "minutes" back then because now... I despise the phone.

I don't like talking at home on personal calls. I most certainly do not like talking on the phone at work for business. I ALWAYS prefer to e-mail people rather than talk on the phone. For one, you have a record of what was said. And two... who wants to talk?!?!?! I know e-mail is impersonal when it comes to business, but it is so much more convenient, and truly, a time saver. Talking on the phone takes FOREVER. Especially on a personal call. No one calls, asks their question, and then hangs up. Oh no... they call, you ask how each other are, you talk about what you did for the day, what you are doing coming up, ask about family, and yadda yadda yadda.

I know I am sounding SO negative, and probably like an asshole, I just don't like talking on the phone. People have commented when I am on the phone that I sound busy or distracted.... it could be that. Or... perhaps I just don't want to talk at that time. Just because you want to talk does not mean I want to then... or am even available.

Okay... this blog could go on forever. I will just leave it at the fact that I hate talking on the phone, and if you are offended... to bad. I know you are going to call me anyway.

Check back often for more Random Ramblings!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes you are right! This post does sound negative. LOL. Agree with you that if don't want to talk to people (be it on the home phone, cell, in person or any other way) we shouldn't. Otherwise both parties are unpleased, either for being forced to or for chatting with someone who doesn't show any interest.