Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Chicago Memories

Okay, I know my blog posts have been a little lacking lately. My sincere apologies. But, I have really been without inspiration. If anyone has any potential topics for me, by all means share. Shout out to Allison who inspired this blog post.

It has already been 8 years since I lived in Chicago... 8 years!!! A lot has happened in that time, but during the year and a half I lived there, I have some wonderful memories. So, below are some of those memories. They may not be my favorite, but none the less are memories. I also have WAY more than could fit here, so I may do a follow up to this blog at some point... especially if no one gives me any potential topics. Okay... on with the show...

- Danny and I started out living in this beautiful palace we shared with a roommate who we will call Gladys Pussman. The place was gorgeous, but was way the hell out. So, we moved to the ghetto basement that is 827 Wrightwood. Another shout out to Allison who told us about it. It was a dump, but it was cheap and allowed us to live with Allison, Dina, and Jill.

- In that ghetto apartment I remember a lot related to food... Sunday night dinners, Pudding Parties, cookies that I made if the girls bought the supplies, Danny's popcorn, having Aunt Charlotte over for dinner, and no garbage disposal to send any of this down.

- Continuing on with the theme of Allison... she and I worked together at LCI. This was, by far, the most unprofessional business you have EVER seen. I won't begin to get into the personnel, but the place was a joke. My all time favorite... we moved into a new building, and for our Grand Opening, we not only made all of our reps supply the food (we did not provide or serve anything), we told them what they needed to bring. That place was UNREAL. No big shock... they closed a year or so after I left.

- Okay... one more thing about Allison... she and I used to take walks on Sunday afternoon. We would often wind up at the Lincoln Park Zoo.

- Danny has always been a wonderful driver (please note sarcasm). Not only did he regularly clip other cars, but one time he did and his front bumper got pulled off. To this day, it is in the basement of our Ashland apartment.

- We used to get our hair cut at a place called We Care Hair. Good lord!!! To make matters worse, when we moved into our ghetto apartment, we were poor, so we furnished the kitchen at the Salvation Army. No lie!

- There was an awesome bar in Boys Town called Voltaire. We would go there, order dessert, have drinks, and watch their Cabaret show. So fun! We even took our mom's there when they came in for Mom's Weekend.

- One thing I definitely do not miss... the train. There was nothing worse that being cramped into those ridiculously hot cars with your face smashed into some tall guy's armpit. I love driving to work!

- It was here that "my girls" introduced me to Popeye's Chicken. I must admit... it is delish!

- Danny's dating life was another great thing about Chicago. Although that could be it's own post.

- And my final memory for this post... being in the audience of the Jerry Springer show when Danny got into it with one of the "guests." Oh no he didn't!

Ahh yes, good times. Feel free to leave any of your Chicago memories below as a comment, and also please give me ideas for future blog posts.

Check back often for more Random Ramblings!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good Stuff! OK...what about the time I spent my entire Saturday looking high and low for keys. Turns out Danny had taken them from my apartment and put them in the Dominick's lost and found, so we had to drive there and get them back.