Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Herzl's Alumni Camp

Unfortunately, Facebook only allows you to e-mail 20 people at a time, so this is my only way of getting the word out. But, as you may or may not know, Herzl Camp is having Alumni Camp this year from August 7-9. It will be our chance to once again experience a Herzl Camp Shabbat. It is also a great opportunity to not only give back to and support a place we all know and love, but will allow all those spouses and significant others the chance to see what we have been talking about all these years.

So, here is the deal. Camp is for those 21 and over only. Registration opens on the Herzl Camp website (www.herzlcamp.org) this week. Here are the costs:

The rates for Alumni Camp are as follows:
Orange Cabin - $120/person
“New” Cabin (Gimel-Zayin)- $130/person
Marp - $160/person
Beit Chai (Chadar) – Shared bathroom - $175/person
Beit Chai (Chadar) – Private bathroom - $185/person

There is also the option to “Rent-A-Cabin” where you can choose your cabinmates for the weekend and the prices are:
Orange Cabin - $130/person
“New” Cabin - $135/person

So, tell all your family and friends who are Herzl Camp alumni. Let's fill camp so we not only have an amazing weekend, but also give some money into our summer home from back in the day. Please e-mail me at ablocke1@hotmail.com or message me on Facebook if you are planning to attend. Also, please give this information to everyone.

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Monday, April 27, 2009

Kicking it Old School

Yesterday, I spent the day playing Super Mario 3 on the original Nintendo with Chad. We had a blast. In fact, I sort of wish I was playing now. However, it lead me to realize it has been awhile since I posted a "Top 10" list on here, so now here is a Top 10 list of fun old school games/toys...

1. Nintendo - I know I already mentioned it, but come on, it's the best!

2. Pogo Balls - I will be SHOCKED if anyone in the entire world, other than me, remembers these bad boys!

3. Garbage Pail Kids - Collecting those cards was a HUGE part of my childhood.

4. Slinky - I'm talking the old fashioned metal kind that got tangled... not the fancy new plastic kind kids have today.

5. Chinese Jump Rope - SO FUN!!! And when you did not have friends to play with, you used the legs of a chair.

6. Cabbage Patch Kids - My family should have known I was gay then... who am I kidding, I am sure they did!

7. Candy Land - Who doesn't love the board game where you go to the Molasses Swamp and land in the Gingerbread House?!?!

8. Silly Putty - I could still get hours of enjoyment out of the stuff. And it really used to save us during services!

9. Pound Puppies - I had my own litter in the corner of my bedroom.

10. Sticker Books - Remember we all had 'em.... scratch 'n sniff, glitter, and Lisa Frank (who ever she is) made the "best" ones.

Oh that was fun... please feel free to share your favorites with me if I missed any!

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Friday, April 24, 2009

Suck it, Tyson!

For those of you who watch "Survivor," last night was one of the greatest Tribal Councils in the history of the show! Basically, there are two HUGE assholes in the game, Coach and his protege Tyson. They both have this "holier than though" attitude and it pisses me off. Coach thinks he is some kind of Samurai warrior and makes up ridiculously asinine stories. Tyson decided that he wants to be Coach when he grows up, so he turned into a mini-me.

Well, last night, all of that came crashing down. After treating Sierra with less than zero respect, Tyson got a taste of his own medicine. After losing immunity, the tribe realized this was their one chance at getting rid of him... so they did. Off he went... it was beautiful. The man who thought he would win it all, the guy who spoke to Sierra like she was a piece of dirt, the blonde who had the whole game figured out... got his torch snuffed and victory never tasted so sweet. Next up... Coach!

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Tuesday, April 21, 2009

A Great Weekend

Well, I survived my trip to the booming metropolis of White Cloud, Michigan. All jokes aside, I had an awesome weekend and loved the family. Below is a re-cap of the trip...

We arrived to Grand Rapids on Friday afternoon. We went through Milwaukee on Midwest Airlines. Their warm chocolate chip cookies on-board are the bomb diggity. Chad's dad picked us up at the airport. I, of course, wore my Jayhawk Champion T-shirt to greet him. :) We went to their house so I could meet Angie, Chad's step-mother. She had just fallen on her tailbone, but was in good spirits. It was fun to meet them both. Then, we went to The Shack to check in and have dinner. Wow... what an amazing place. It is rustic, serene, and just nice and relaxing there. Our room was beautiful... king size bed, fireplace, hot tub, etc. Dinner was okay... BBQ chicken legs, beef tips, potatoes, bread, etc. After dinner, we went over to Jason and Kerry's to meet them and the kids. We enjoyed a fire in their yard and even made S'mores. They were delic! Afterwards, we went back to The Shack for the night.

Happy Birthday, Chad. We woke up pretty early and went into the lodge for breakfast. Typical eggs, meat, hash browns, toast, etc. Then, Chad and I took a walk around the grounds. What a beautiful place. I have pics on my Facebook page. We also made a stop into the Lakeside Chapel. :) After that, we left and headed to White Cloud. We went to Sara's house so I could meet her... we also asked her to be in our wedding. That was fun. Then it was off to David and Angie's...

Their house really is beautiful. Lovely grounds, nice decorating, great landscaping... just very relaxing and enjoyable. After I got there, I shot a rifle for the first time in my life. It was awesome. No kickback, but still the first time I ever fired a gun. After a bit, Jason, Kerry, Rylee, and Reece arrived. We asked Jason to be in our wedding... he was confused, but envetually got it. :) We ordered lunch from Spanky's Pizza. One word.... YUM!!!! After lunch we all opened presents. Come to think of it, I was the only person who did not get to open one. :( It's okay... Kerry made me an Easter basket. Then, it was time for my Easter egg hunt. It was really fun. Shout out to Rylee for her help!!!!

After lots of sitting and relaxing, then it was time to fire my handgun. Super fun! I liked it better than the rifle, but both were pretty cool. Then it was time for dinner and while everyone enjoyed Chicken on the grill, David made me my very own Jayhawk on the grill. I have no doubt it was his pleasure to grill a Jayhawk (Cornish hen). After dinner we played a little Uno, but we were so pooped. We then had Chad's b-day cake and then retired to The Shack for the night.

We woke up and went to breakfast at the Moon Dance Cafe where I had Banana's Foster French Toast.... YUM!!!! Afterwards, we went to Chad's cousin's daughter's first birthday party. It was at the Eagle's Lodge... yes, the Eagle's Lodge, but such is life in White Cloud, Michigan. His cousin did a really cute job decorating though and the birthday girl was happy.

After the b-day party, Chad and I drove around and he showed me homes he grew up in among other places. It was a bit surreal for Chad to "be back." After that, we went back to The Shack and relaxed for a bit. Next up... dinner and board games with Kerry, Jason, and the kids. We had a great time. We played Blokus and Apples to Apples. Good times! Then it was time to settle back into The Shack.

We woke up and raced to McD's for breakfast. Then went to the place Kerry and Jason work and said goodbye to them. Then it was off to David and Angie's house to say goodbye to her and David then drove us to the airport.

Overall, it was a great trip. I really loved the family and look forward to many more times together.

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Thursday, April 16, 2009

Michigan Bound

Tomorrow, I am headed Eastward to meet the machetunum. Most people get nervous and anxious to meet the family... me, I am excited. I have already talked to Chad's dad on the phone, and his sister-in-law, Kerry and I, are already bff via e-mail. Kerry actually reads my blog religiously, so here is a shout out to her. I am also looking forward to meeting Jason, Chad's brother, and of course niece and nephew Rylee and Reece. I will also finally get to meet Angie, Chad's step-mom, and his best friend Sara. Overall, it should be a great trip.

We get in Friday night and his dad is picking us up at the airport. Saturday, is actually Chad's birthday, and we are going to spend the day at his dad's with everyone... BBQ, games, hanging out, AND... an Easter egg hunt for me!!! That's right... on Easter I was jealous that everyone got an egg hunt and I wanted one. So Chad's dad agreed to give me one when I visit. I can hardly wait! Sunday, we are going to drive around and see "The Life and Times of Chad Hewitt." Then, we come home on Monday.

It will be a quick trip, but a fun one none-the-less. We also have a lovely room at The Shack with a whirlpool and fireplace. Plus... every night there is a banana split bar! How can you go wrong with that?!?! http://www.theshackbandb.com/

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Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Wedding Website

Chad and I have officially created our wedding website. The link is below. Please browse through it and find information about us, the honeymoon, the wedding party, etc. Eventually, we will have links to registries and so on. We will also update with information on the wedding party, the location, and more. Lots of fun... we hope you enjoy!


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Monday, April 13, 2009

Bigger and Redder

Please see post from March 30... she's gotten worse. What a horrible excuse for a human being! Enough said.

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Friday, April 10, 2009

Wedding Planning

This will be my first, of what I am sure will be MANY, posts on planning the wedding. Needless to say, it has started and is pretty fun!

Awhile back, Chad and I bought a binder to keep all of our things in. We already have our thank-you notes... purple of course. We will know in a few months if we can have our ceremony at the Temple. We got a booklet from Byerly's regarding the wedding cake, and just today we are putting together a cute little way to ask our attendants if they will stand up for us. Now, I cannot give that away because some of you read this and that would take away the surprise.

In any case, both Chad and I are having a ball planning what we hope to be "A Wedding to Remember." Since Iowa legalized gay marriage, we have also decided we are going to go down there and make it legal. We are not sure when yet, but we will definitely do it at some point. As part of that, we were also on a story last week on KARE 11 News at 10:00pm.

I am sure there will be plenty of stressful times between now and 10-10-10. But they are also fun times and I look forward to not only celebrating the next year with family and friends, but spending a lifetime with the man I love.

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Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Lunch... Really?!?!?!

Lunch should just go away. Isn't it true, that in office buildings around the world, no one knows what to eat for lunch? Half the time people arrive in the morning and are already thinking about what to eat for lunch. Here I sit, at 11:52am, thinking about lunch and having no brilliant ideas.

I know that I should be going out there and eating all kinds of bread products. Tomorrow starts Passover, so I can kiss those delicious carbs goodbye for a full 8 days. And then... lunch is almost worse. Not only do we have to figure out what to eat, but we have to figure it out with serious constraints. And don't even get me started on Weight Watchers.

Sometimes I think it would be so good to have this little guy inside of you that knows EXACTLY what you should have for lunch, regardless of how you feel. It would make us all more happy at lunch time, and then we would not have to arrive at work thinking about what to have for lunch.

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Thursday, April 2, 2009

Hawaiian Breezes

Good morning one and all. Today's blog will be fairly lame... mostly, because I want to hear from you.

Chad and I have decided to go to Hawaii for our honeymoon. It is a place we have both always wanted to go to, but neither have been. So we decided that is where we should venture off to.

Last night, we started looking into it. Holy shit!!! I knew it was expensive, but I did not realize how expensive we were talking. It looks like the flight alone will be close to $1000 each... and that is using January 2010 prices, and we won't even be going until January 2011. Damn!!!

Then, we both realized that while many people have been to Hawaii, we didn't really get what it means to be on the "big Island" versus the others, and how you get to one from the other. So, we had an epiphany... we should do a Hawaiian cruise. We both love cruises and this way we get to go to all of the islands and really see all of Hawaii.

Okay... if you have thoughts, ideas, suggestions, or comments, please let me hear them. I will post a "real blog" entry coming up soon.

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