Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year

Happy New Year to all of my readers. As a final blog of 2009, I thought I would go back over the last 12 months, and choose one or two highlights from each month to share with you. Enjoy...

January - I met Chad and my life changed forever.

February - Got engaged and also went on an AWESOME cruise with AP!

March - Took a fun trip to Duluth... thanks, Kerry!

April - Went to Michigan to meet all of Chad's family.

May - Celebrated my birthday, duh.

June - Had a few dinner parties with friends.

July - Took a trip to Door County.

August - Went to Herzl's Alumni Camp!

September - Went to the State Fair, had a visit from Danny, welcomed Chad's family in from Michigan, and won AC's Amazing Race with Jason and Andrea.

October - Went to Colorado and hosted our annual Halloween Hoopla.

November - Had a fun filled Thanksgiving.

December - Chad's first Chanukah and the Hollidazzle parade.

What a year it has been. Here's wishing everyone a safe, happy, healthy, and wonderful new year. May we all be back one year from now to read the 2010 recap.

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Monday, December 28, 2009

"Friend"ly Quotes

As most people know, I am obsessed with the TV show Friends. I know all of the episodes and it is pretty difficult to stump me on Friends trivia. I have even aced the competitions on cruise ships. Let's just say... I know my Friends. So, I have been blogging for well over a year now, and realized it is time to pay tribute to my show. So... here are some wonderful quotes from the series. I hesitate to say they are my favorite, because I have SO many, and could truly never remember them all. So, here are some great ones. I will likely do a follow-up blog later with even more. But until then...

- Greek minister to Chandler... "Are you Chandler?" Chandler responds with, "Are you Joey?"

- Monica talking to Rachel about Joshua... "What, he doesn't like Josh?" Rachel responds with, "No, I don't!"

- Brad Pitt as Will discussing the teacher Ross made out with in high school... "She also made out with Tatakakai Keck the night before he went back to Thailand."

- Brad Pitt as Will eating on Thanksgiving and throwing away his diet... "Screw it, bring on the yams."

- Joey when eating a lot... "Here come the meat sweats."

- Joey to turkey... "You, you are my Everest."

- Rachel talking to her sister Amy... "Okay, well, I went to the zoo yesterday and now I am a Koala bear."

- Rachel talking to her sister Amy... "I had a baby." Amy says, "I decorated dad's office." Rachel comes back with "Unless you pushed a desk out of your vagina, not the same thing."

- Rachel's sister Jill after being told she can't "have" Ross... "Can't have? The only thing I can't have is dairy."

- Phoebe on looking at the Playboy magazine... "Ahhh, remember the days you used to go out into the barn, lift up your shirt, and bend over?"

- Chandler to Monica as he gives her a piggy back ride... "I don't know, why don't you look in my saddle bag while I munch on a bale of hay!"

- Rachel asking Monica about who she went to lunch with... "Monica, who did you go to lunch with?" "Judy." "Who?" "Julie." "What?!?!" "Jody!"

- Ross responding to ex-wife Carol's lesbian partner Susan who just described the taste of breast milk as cantaloupe juice... "Oh you've tasted it."

- Joey about not wearing any underwear in Chandler's clothes... "I'm not going commando in another man's fatigues."

Damn that was fun... I could go on forever. On second thought... I will definitely do another one of these at a later date. In the mean time, please feel free to share your favorite Friends quote with me by adding a comment below.

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Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Just Say No

Alright celebs, and everyone else for that matter... lay off the drugs. As we all know, Brittney Murphy died this week, and while it has not yet come out, you and I both know it is going to be drug related. We keep losing people to drugs and it is just sad. Lay off the pills, put down the needles, and for God's sake, please stop smoking things and shoving others up your nose.

While illegal drugs are a huge problem, the prescription drugs are becoming more and more of a problem. I will be the first person to admit, I love Percocet, but am not addicted to it, and only take it when I need it (for my back or gout). However, these people who are getting addicted, need help. And you know who I believe needs to be held accountable.... doctors. Not only are they prescribing medication in huge doses with tons of refills, but time and again, we are seeing prescriptions given to people that should not be mixed with other pills. While I know that most doctors are wonderful and play by the book, there are a few out there who are contributing to the deaths of these celebrities, and plain-Janes as well.

Now I know my readership, for the most part, and you are not the ones taking the drugs, nor are you the ones doing a bad job of prescribing them. So, I know I am preaching to the choir when I quote the famous line from the 80's... "Just Say No."

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Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Use By Date

I do not like expired food. Honestly, I am not sure why anyone does. And that is why they invented "use by" dates on products. Those dates are not meant as a joke, they are not put their for no reason, and they certainly are not on packages to be ignored. Those dates are when food expires.... when it is no longer good. So I ask you... why do people keep consuming products after they have gone bad?

My mother, an avid read of this blog, is one of the worst offenders. Salad dressings from days gone bye, ketchup from the turn of the century (you guess which one), and condiments that my dad enjoyed and then put back in the fridge. Mind you, my father died in 2002. That said... my mother is not the only offender. You know who you are. So I ask you.... WHY?!?!?!

Food expires, it goes bad, and is no longer edible. Throw the damn products out. Now the weird one to me is the "sell by " date. What good is that? That tells me that the company and the grocery store know there is a time when their product expires, but they are taking the blame off themselves and putting it on us. If they sell it by then, they have done their part. It is then up to us to decide when we consume it by. Not cool! However, a sell by date is my mother's dream come true. All she has to say is "I bought it by then," and then keep it in her fridge until that product starts growing more product. Ucky!

So I urge you... please pay attention to those dates and throw out expired food. It's not good for you and it certainly does not taste good.

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Friday, December 11, 2009

Happy Chanukah

Tonight marks the beginning of Chanukah. It is hard to believe it is already that time of year again. 2009 flew by, and now 2010 is just a few short weeks away. For all of those who celebrate... Happy Chanukah (or however you choose to spell it).

For those who do not know much about Chanukah, here is a lesson:

Chanukah is a celebration of religious freedom recalling a great victory that took place more than 2,000 years ago. Judah Macabee led a small group of his fellow Jews against the Syrian Greeks who tried to eradicate Judaism. Though the Jews were greatly out-numbered, they were victorious and succeeded in saving Judaism. Judah Macabee and his followers recaptured the Temple in Jerusalem that had been defiled by the Syrian Greeks.

When they rededicated the Temple, they discovered a small quantity of pure oil for the Menorah. They thought that the oil would only last for 1 day but a miracle occurred and it kept the Menorah lit for 8 days. Jews light 9 branched Menorahs in their homes: The middle candle is known as the “Shammes” (helper) and lights the other 8 candles. 1 candle is lit on the 1st night of Chanuakh, 2 candles on the 2nd night and so forth until the Holiday ends with the lighting of all 8 candles. To recall the miracle of the oil, foods fried in oil are eaten during Chanukah. Jews not living in Israel eat “Latkes” (potato pancakes) while Israeli Jews prefer jelly donuts. Jewish children spin the Dreidel, a spinning top: 1 Hebrew letter appears on each side reminding Jews that “a great miracle happened there”-- the pure oil lasted for 8 days.

So... to those of you who just learned something, I am glad I could teach. To those who already knew it... Happy Chanukah. May we all have a wonderful and happy holiday season filled with good food, good friends, good times, and good gifts.

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Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Not-So-Dream Jobs

Awhile back, I posted some of my all time dream jobs. Now, you will be treated to the opposite side of that. Some jobs I would abhor.... or at least be terrible at. Here goes...

1. Gynecologist - This is a gay man's nightmare... enough said.

2. Construction Worker - Those guys (and gals) work all hours of the day/night and in all seasons. We are about to have a blizzard in Minnesota and the construction workers are outside our building doing their thing. And their outfits leave a little something to be desired.

3. Waiter - I am just not cut out for that. As soon as someone said, "Could I have a..." I am afraid I would cut them off with either "No!" or "Go right around the corner and get it yourself."

4. Politician - Just not my thing.

5. Maintenance Worker - I am not a fan of cleaning up after other people. I barely like cleaning up after myself... why would I clean up after you.

6. Funeral Director- It is just too depressing to think about. Your life is surrounded by sadness.

7. Astronaut - While it would be cool to see space... it would be WAY too constricting for me.

8. Highway Cleaner - It is bad enough looking at deer brains splattered across Highway 100... could you imagine being the one to clean it up?

9. Telemarketer - As is, I detest being on the phone, but to be on the phone and treated disrespectfully and hung up on... no thank you.

10. Taxi Driver - You are not exactly in a position to say no. So you could get a smelly person, a rude person, or someone who wants to go 100 miles away.

11. Day Care Employee - While I used to love children, I have since grown to not love them so much. And the thought of being around screaming, crying, fighting, pooping children all day long who are not even your own... not a chance.

And on that note... I will be done. If you are any of the above positions... more power to you. I would not want to do them, but it does not mean I don't respect the person who does. So... share your not-so-dream job with me by posting a comment below.

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Friday, December 4, 2009

An Affair to Remember

Oh, Tiger, Tiger, Tiger. How dumb can you be? Famous people should not cheat. It is never kept a secret and the public ALWAYS finds out about it. And by keeping it a secret... you are making it worse.

That said... why does anyone have an affair? I will never understand it. Perhaps because I am in a loving and committed relationship, but I just do not understand when people cheat. Are they not getting enough from their spouse? Then talk about it. Are they no longer in love? Then get a divorce. But don't cheat. It is not okay and it just makes matters worse. Last night's episode of Private Practice showed a couple who cheated on each other and knew about it, but in the end still loved each other. Whatever... I guess you can say, to each their own. And on last night's re-run of Will & Grace, Leo was cheating on Grace. He said he did not mean for it to happen, but it did. Well, don't let it happen. It's not that hard.

Cheaters never prosper. You have heard it before. At games... and at life. And once a cheater, always a cheater. If they cheated, they will do it again. And if they were with someone else, and they cheated on that person with you, guess what... you are going to get cheated on too. So... let's all honor those commitments we made and keep the lovin' at home. If you can't do that, then you are not with the right person.

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Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Damn Bikers

I hate, loathe, despise, detest, and cannot stand bikers in the street. It is one of those things that causes me road rage. I truly in my heart of hearts want to hit them with my car. The funny thing is... I am actually in a good mood today. :)

Okay, bikers... you have bike paths and bike lanes for a reason.... USE THEM!!!!! There is hard earned tax dollars that were spent to give you a separate but equal space. Yes, I know apartheid ended, but not on our streets. Oh screw it... bikes are not equal... I hate you.

Why do they have to drive in the street? They cannot go the same speed, obviously. And, to make matters worse... they infringe on our coveted road but then do not even bother to pay attention to the laws, like stopping at a stop sign. They also do not wait their turn... they glide on up the right hand side of all the waiting cars to breeze through the stop signs.

So, dear bikers... if you insist on taking my space, and I would rather you didn't, I am going to insist that you pay attention to the law. Stop at signs, wait your turn, signal, and all of the other things that we get ticketed for if we do not do. That said... I would much prefer you to go on the bike bath or into the bike lane... just stay off the roads!!!!!!

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